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Alanine dipeptide

Property Value
Forcefield AMBER ff-99SB-ILDN
Integrator Langevin
Integrator time step 2 fs
Simulation time 250 ns
Frame spacing 1 ps
Temperature 300 K
Volume (2.3222 nm)^3 periodic box
Solvation 651 TIP3P waters
Electrostatics PME
PME real-space cutoff 0.9 nm
PME grid spacing 0.1 nm
PME updates every two time steps
Constraints all bonds between hydrogens and heavy atoms

Creative Commons License


Raw data

PDB file and XTC files of three independent simulations (super-imposed configurations).

Featurized data

Each file contains three numpy.ndarray(shape=[250000, n_features], dtype=numpy.float32) objects (keys: arr_0, arr_1, arr_2) from three independent simulations.

