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Alanine dipeptide (coarse grained, with forces)

Property Value
Code OpenMM
Forcefield AMBER ff-99SB-ILDN
Integrator Langevin
Integrator time step 2 fs
Simulation time 4x500 ns
Frame spacing 2 ps
Temperature 300 K
Volume (2.3222 nm)^3 periodic box
Solvation 651 TIP3P waters
Electrostatics PME
PME real-space cutoff 0.9 nm
PME grid spacing 0.1 nm
Constraints all bonds between hydrogens and heavy atoms

Creative Commons License


The molecule and system setup is essentially the same as in the other alanine dipeptide dataset. The major difference is that we cropped out the five backbone atoms (ACE-C ALA-N ALA-CA ALA-C NME-N) and recorded the coordinates and forces of them. The dataset contains four independent simulations, each of which consists of 250,000 frames (500 ns sampled with a 2-ps interval). Therefore, for cross-validation it is recommended to separate the data into four folds by indexing the arrays with [250000 * i_fold:250000 * (i_fold + 1)].

Raw data

Shared PDB topology file, coordinates (key coords) and forces (key aaFs) on the five backbone atoms from four independent simulations (four trajectories were concatenated together numpy.ndarray(shape=[1000000, 5, 3], dtype=numpy.float32)). The unit of coordinates is Angstrom (0.1 nm) and for the forces kcal/(mol·Angstrom).


This dataset was used in the following publication for the first time.
